Thursday, September 09, 2004

Is this horse out of the gate?

Front page of NYtimes, the San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today...maybe these newly surfaced documents are finally going to wakt the media and public up to the fact that George W. Bush shirked his duty, disobeyed direct orders, and dishonored his unit.

I read through an e-mail the RNC[omittee] sent to Bush-Cheney '04 volunteers. All of the sudden, fear is popping out among the religious right and Republicans in general like flop sweat all over their campaign. This smells like scandal, and as they know all too well from pillorying Clinton for eight years, scandal stinks worse than any other political corpse.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch, what with their lip service to veterans and insults to those vets injured in action on the floor of the RNC[onvention]
