Friday, September 03, 2004

Latest Kerry Smear being floated

On Rush's program a few minutes ago, a guest writing a book (for Republicans to buy, not read) told the story that I think will become the latest Kerry smear. This tale one-ups the swift boat vets and slinks into the clinton-bought-cocaine-through state-trooper-pimps territory.

Apparently, some members of Vietnam Veterans against the War wanted to kill six senators, and Kerry resigned from the group. He also avoided a meeting in Kansas city where the plot was discussed.

The writer on Rush's show insists that he's got some witnesses who saw Kerry at the meeting, that his letter of resignation from VVaW doesn't exist, and that Kerry eats babies.

The smear machine just won't stop. Kerry starts the final part of the campaign with a rousing speech, and the republicans start with another goddamn smear. They can't run on the issues, so they try to embarass their opponent.

No shame.
