Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Never Far From the Tree

While I didn't personally see the Bush twins' performance last night, by all accounts it was a ditzy disaster.

Here's something to think about, pulled from the comments at Kevin Drum's Washington Monthly blog:

Bill and Hillary Clinton: Valueless, self-indulgent children of the 60s, or simply white trash. What kind of daughter did they raise?

George and Laura Bush: God-fearing conservatives with rock-solid American values. What kind of daughters did they raise?

Well, here's the answer:

Bill and Hillary somehow found time between killing close friends, moving tons of cocaine across the border, and being sexually deviant to raise an intelligent, assertive, and well-spoken woman. A graduate of Stanford University, Chelsea has an impressive resume already.

The more conservative pair of parents were able to find the time in their busy schedules of ruining businesses, vehicular homicide and being a dry drunk to raise two girls that, frankly, made an embarassment of themselves on national TV. I mean really - let's call a spade a spade. Simply from the transcript, it appears that these two are a case of tequila away from Girls Gone Wild.

Now, some of you out there may be thinking that it's wrong to pillory these girls based on the way they act and talk, but isn't that what we're being asked to do with their dad?

Never fear Bush girls - daddy set a good precedent. At 22, you've still got 18 years of partying ahead of you before it's time to straighten up and fly right.
