Sunday, July 09, 2006

You know what's wrong with our press?

This is what's wrong with my press. Your press. Our press. You know - the people we trade freedoms in order to secure information about our government and world:

Reading TVNewser, says CNN's Miles O'Brien, "makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a cocktail party of all people who know what's going on in my business. We're all kind of chewing the fat, saying, 'Oh, no, I think this is true' and someone else saying, 'No, no, this is true.' "

Stop going to cocktail parties and report the news. How about that?

And if your sources don't want love, ignore them and their stories, and everything about them. That's the way it's supposed to work. Read a John Sanford "Prey" novel sometime for a tutorial about how the press and government can maintain an adversarial, if beneficial relationship.

Oddly, none of Sanford's scenarios involve cocktail parties, Miles. But thanks for reinforcing the stereotype that many of us thought was farcical - you've impressed the severity of the press' problem on us clearly, unlike much of what you report on.
